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Little Ones Paris

Little Ones Paris is a European handcrafted jewelry brand. A graduate of Paris-Dauphine, Amélie Brunswick became a gemologist and specialized in responsible jewelry. For years, she has been advising diamond dealers, manufacturers and luxury brands to improve their ethical practices (RJC certification). Through contact with the best French diamond dealers, the designer developed a passion, know-how and high standards which gave birth to Little Ones Paris.
Little Ones Paris is a European handcrafted jewelry brand. A graduate of Paris-Dauphine, Amélie Brunswick became a gemologist and specialized in responsible jewelry. For years, she has been advising diamond dealers, manufacturers and luxury brands to improve their ethical practices (RJC certification). Through contact with the best French diamond dealers, the designer developed a passion, know-how and high standards which gave birth to Little Ones Paris.
16 products
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    Á propos

    Céline Daoust est une marque de joaillerie renommée, connue pour ses créations délicates et poétiques.


    Chaque bijou est conçu avec un savoir-faire artisanal exceptionnel, mettant en valeur des pierres précieuses et des matériaux nobles. Céline Daoust incarne l'élégance et la beauté naturelle, offrant des pièces uniques et inspirantes.


    © 2035 Contemplation

    Rue Robert-Céard, 5

    1204 Geneva


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